
As long as you have the sogo-activesync package installed ActiveSync should 
work.  You need to use https://yourdomain.com/SOGo (or whatever your webmail 
link is) for the ActiveSync URL, I don't believe you can do this on the 
Microsoft Online tool (but I've not checked), so I'd recommend using a physical 
(or virtual) mobile device for testing ActiveSync.


On Wednesday, January 31, 2024 07:02 GMT, "\"Robert Himics\"" 
(r...@himicsfamily.com) <users@sogo.nu> wrote:
I’m Trying to Get ActiveSync to Work

Getting this
in sogo logs

Jan 31 01:49:27 sogod [5769]: |SOGo| starting method 'OPTIONS' on uri 

Jan 31 01:49:27 sogod [5769]: |SOGo| request took 0.000950 seconds to execute

Jan 31 01:49:27 sogod [5769]:, "OPTIONS 
/SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/ HTTP/1.0" 401 0/0 0.003 - - 0 - 12

Also From The Microsoft ActiveSync testing Tool

What have I Missed – Other that ActiveSync Everything Looks like it’s Works

Rob Himics




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