Thank you very much for reviving the possibility of an update service
for the Thunderbird plugin!

As a side note, running the service as a php script isn't necessary;
this can also be done with some mappings in nginx:
* create a map with the updates:
  | # update service
  | map $request_uri $update {
  |     default     0;
  |     '~*^/updates/available/?\?v=114.0.0' '{ "version": "115.0.0", "xpi": 
"https://my-sogo-server/updates/sogo-connector-115.0.0.xpi"; }';
  | }
* use the map in a location:
  | ## update service
  | location /updates/available {
  |     access_log /var/log/nginx/sogo-update-access.log;
  |     error_log /var/log/nginx/sogo-update-error.log;
  |     default_type "";
  |     if ($update) {
  |         add_header Content-Type "application/json; charset=utf-8";
  |         return 200 $update;
  |     }
  |     if ($update = 0) {
  |         return 204 "No update";
  |     }
  | }
* and serve the plugin's xpi file as well (I created an empty index.html
  in that directory as well in order to disable file enumeration):
  | location /updates {
  |     access_log /var/log/nginx/sogo-update-access.log;
  |     error_log /var/log/nginx/sogo-update-error.log;
  |     alias /var/www/sogo-connector;
  | }
  (you could also make sure to log $request_uri so that you are able to
  see the original request in the log file, just in case you're
  monitoring the extension versions out there in the wild)
* then, of course, you need the corresponding settings in your
  | // update service
  | bool_pref("", true);
  | bool_pref("app.update.enabled", true);
  | char_pref("sogo-connector.update.url", "https://my-sogo-server/updates/
* in case you do run your internal services with your own certificate
  authority and experience issues with the certificate issuer not being
  built-in like this:
  | addons.xpi WARN Download of 
https://my-sogo-server/updates/sogo-connector-115.0.0.xpi failed:
  | [Exception... "Certificate issuer is not built-in."  nsresult: "0x80004004 
  You may get rid of that by force-pushing the following settings with
  the plugin:
  | force_bool_pref("security.enterprise_roots.enabled", true);
  | // do not enforce certificates to be built-in for updates
  | force_bool_pref("extensions.install.requireBuiltInCerts", false);
  | force_bool_pref("extensions.update.requireBuiltInCerts", false);

As you can see from the code above, I built a plugin with version 114.0.0
in manifest.json in order to be able to test the upgrade procedure.

For a new version of the connector, adding a line to the map should be
sufficient. As there aren't too many releases of connector you'll only
collect a few more lines per year.
I hope this helps some of you that want to try to avoid running php
stuff on their sogo server.

all the best,

PS: Feedback on this very much welcome.

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