Hi All,
We are using solr 8.8.2, upgraded oracle from 12c to 19c, so changed the
driver from ojdbc6.jar to ojdbc8_g.jar
Now while indexing, the logs shows the below. Sorry I cannot attach the log

A month back this environment was working fine, connecting to oracle 12C,
and then the servers were down for upgrade and after that when restarted we
are getting this error
we are connecting to DB in data-config.xml as below
*<datasource name = "xxxx" driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//xxxxxx" usr="xxx" password="yyyy"
encryptkeyfile="\ddd.txt" />*

*Error Log*

*Full import failed : Java.lang.Runtime Exception :
org.apache.handler.dataimport.DataimporterHandlerException : Unable t o
execute Query "......"*
*caused by Dataimporthandler.wrapAndThrow*
*caused by : java.nio.BufferUnderFlowException*
*at java.nio.HeapbyteBffer.get(Unknown Source)*

*at java.nio.ByteBuffer.get(Unknown Source)*
*at java.sql.DriverManager.getconnection(unknown source)*


Can someone clarify if this is any security related issue, connecting to DB
from the server or the oracle driver issue.
 Thank you


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