Hi All,

We are using solr 8.82 cloud setup with zk ensemble 3.6.3 (3 zk servers).
We have a HA monitoring system which will ping every 5 mins to check if the
solr URL or shards are available and ping is success. If there is a failure
( if solr servers are down) it=E2=80=99ll flag to switch the searching from=
solr to DB search.

Now we have an issue we are connecting to solr passing the zk hosts. Now if 2 
of the zookeepers are down and if we are calling the solrping.process(client), 
it’s processing for so
long as all the zk are down and going to a stuck thread and slowing down the 
weblogic application server. 

This works fine when the majority of the
zookeepers are up and running

Method Snippet

private int pingRepo(zkHostList, corename)
Solrclient client = SolrConnectionUtil.getSokrClient(zkHostList, “ping”)
Solrping ping = new Solrping
SolrPingResponse resp;
resp = ping.process(client):
return resp.getQTime();
Catch (Exception e)
return -1;

Can anyone suggest how to handle this, If the zookeepers are down. Thank you


Sent from my iPhone

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