On 5/21/2022 1:05 AM, dev disoza wrote:
We have added a host ip with SOLR_HOST in the solr configuration file as

$ bin/init.d/solr status -p 8988
Solr at not online.

Running bin/init.d/solr could be problematic depending on exactly how things were installed.

If you have installed the solr service, then you would want to do "service solr status" instead, replacing solr with whatever you actually named the service.  Did you install the service with the service installer script?  What options did you use for that? What OS is this on?  What is the full path of the configuration file where you changed SOLR_HOST? If you haven't used the installer script, then I will need details about exactly how and where you installed Solr in order to know what to ask next.

Below are some commands that I'd like to see the full output from. If there are passwords or other secrets in that output, then change those, but do not change anything else.  The directory listings requested are assuming that you have used the service installer script:

ps axww | grep solr
ls -al /var
ls -al /opt


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