On 5/26/22 10:14, Poorna Murali wrote:
In our configuration, we are not using soft commit at all and autocommit is
done by hard commit with opensearcher = false which will not create a new

If you never do a commit that opens a new searcher, then you will never see the result of adds, updates, or deletes in your searches.  If you are making changes to your index and those changes ARE visible to clients, then SOMETHING is opening a new searcher, which is only going to happen when there's a commit.

So, I am not able to understand how is the fieldcache entries are getting
cleared. Is there any other way that this can happen as in when segment
merging happens during hard commit?

The FieldCache is not built or maintained by Solr.  It is a Lucene construct.  And I think in current versions, it is actually no longer named FieldCache, but I do not remember the new name.

Maybe somebody here knows enough about it to tell you what might be happening.

My guess is that there are explicit manual commits happening. That might be part of an update request or a separate API call.


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