Hi Matthew,

The ref guide has an explanation of the different options for sending
documents as JSON.


My personal preference is to stick with the /update handler path and
Solr-Style JSON update commands. (Maybe that's because they're a mapping of
the XML update commands that I was already familiar with.) It's a bit more
verbose to include {"add":{"doc":{...}} but I find it avoids confusion.

Does your schema have a <uniqueKey>...</uniqueKey> field defined and is
that field required="true"? I've never tried nested documents without this.


Op do 3 nov. 2022 om 00:28 schreef Matthew Castrigno <castr...@slhs.org>:

> Hi Thomas,
> I am confused by your comments of "custom" JSON and "SOLR" JSON to me
> there is only one JSON.
> I cannot modify the format of this JSON object. How can I configure SOLR
> to index this object as is ?
> When I attempt to wrap this JSON with an array wrapper SOLR thinks I am
> trying to do an atomic update.
> Thank you as always for your assistance, it is greatly appreciated.
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":400,
>     "QTime":3},
>   "error":{
>     "metadata":[
>       "error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException",
>       "root-error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException"],
>     "msg":"Error:[doc=2ff99d1a-a21b-4391-9c47-af2865acb753]  Unknown
> operation for the an atomic update: Page",
>     "code":400}}
> curl --location --request GET 'place_holder_email:8983/solr/talix/update' \
> --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> --data-raw '[{
>   "partner": "88027688-62c4-459a-b4d5-a8ecf9edd1bf",
>   "command": "add",
>   "doc_id": "2ff99d1a-a21b-4391-9c47-af2865acb753",
>   "content": {
>     "Page": {
>       "Id": "2ff99d1a-a21b-4391-9c47-af2865acb753",
>       "Name": "Ronald McDonald House Idaho meals",
>       "Url":
> "/blogs/st-lukes/news-and-community/2021/jan/ronald-mcdonald-house-idaho-meals",
>       "Date": "2022-10-03T12:30:17.3388537",
>       "ContentType": "Blog",
>       "Body": {
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>           {
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>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s find
> new ways to help families"
>           },
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>           { "Name": "Share Summary", "Type": "Multi-Line Text", "Value":
> "" },
>           {
>             "Name": "ShareTitle",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s find
> new ways to help families"
>           },
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>             "Name": "Blog Post Date",
>             "Type": "Datetime",
>             "Value": "2021-01-18T10:10:00Z"
>           },
>           {
>             "Name": "Heading",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Better Together"
>           },
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>           { "Name": "Providers", "Type": "Treelist", "Value": "" },
>           {
>             "Name": "Main Blog Image Caption",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": ""
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>             "Name": "Procedures and Treatments",
>             "Type": "Multilist",
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>           {
>             "Name": "Page Title",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s finding
> new ways to help families"
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>           { "Name": "Share Image", "Type": "Image", "Value": "" },
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>             "Value": "Better Together"
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>           {
>             "Name": "TileHeadline",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s find
> new ways to help families"
>           },
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> },
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> Post" },
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>             "Value": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s find
> new ways to help families"
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>             "Value": "{E9CF1FC9-EF41-4B6F-9D78-F206A5997A84}"
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> },
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> "" },
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>             "Name": "Associated Content Type",
>             "Type": "Droptree",
>             "Value": "Blog Post"
>           },
>           { "Name": "Main Blog Image", "Type": "Image", "Value": "" },
>           { "Name": "TileSummary", "Type": "Rich Text", "Value": "" },
>           {
>             "Name": "Meta Description",
>             "Type": "Multi-Line Text",
>             "Value": ""
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>           { "Name": "Icon", "Type": "Image", "Value": "" },
>           {
>             "Name": "NavigationTitle",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "St. Luke’s Blogs"
>           },
>           {
>             "Name": "Include in Search Index",
>             "Type": "Checkbox",
>             "Value": "1"
>           },
>           { "Name": "Conditions", "Type": "Treelist", "Value": "" },
>           {
>             "Name": "Heading Sub Text",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Highlights from St. Luke’s and our community
> partners to improve health."
>           },
>           {
>             "Name": "typeaheadRollupCat",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": ""
>           },
>           {
>             "Name": "BlogPostYear",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "2021"
>           },
>           {
>             "Name": "AuthorName",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Anna Fritz"
>           },
>           {
>             "Name": "BlogCategory",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "News and Community"
>           }
>         ],
>         "Modules": {
>           "Fields": [
>             { "Name": "Content", "Type": "Rich Text", "Value": "" },
>             { "Name": "Image Position", "Type": "Droptree", "Value":
> "Right" },
>             { "Name": "Image Source", "Type": "Image", "Value": "" },
>             {
>               "Name": "Image Content",
>               "Type": "Rich Text",
>               "Value": "<p>For more than three decades, Ronald McDonald
> House Charities of Idaho has provided housing to families with children
> seeking medical care.</p>\\n<p>It also has found new ways to help during
> the COVID-19 era. </p>\\n<p>When the novel coronavirus gained a foothold in
> Idaho in March 2020, the organization had to put safety first and made the
> tough decision to temporarily stop accepting new families not already
> staying at its new Boise house. Instead, the organization paid for hotel
> rooms for families it could not accommodate.&nbsp;</p>\\n<p>“When
> everything happened, because we had to pull back services, we were trying
> to look for other ways we could help families,” said Taylor Munson,
> communications manager at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Idaho.
> </p>\\n<p>“They are obviously already in a stressful situation with a sick
> child, but the pandemic amplified that because there is even more unknown
> now.”</p>\\n<p>So, how could their staff keep serving families with kids in
> need? </p>\\n<p>The team at RMHCI decided to start assembling lunch boxes
> filled with meals for families with kids at St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital.
> </p>\\n<p>Since March, the staff has provided 4,770 meals to families at
> St. Luke’s.</p>\\n<p>“The lunches provided by the Ronald McDonald House
> have been a true blessing for our families in pediatrics, the pediatric ICU
> and the newborn ICU,” said Sherry Iverson, director of patient and family
> services at St. Luke’s Children’s.</p>\\n<p>“Being at the bedside of their
> children of all ages is top priority for parents and remembering to take
> care of themselves is easily forgotten. These lunches carefully assembled
> by the Ronald McDonald team and then delivered to their room provide a
> break, healthy food and a chance to reenergize during a very stressful
> time.” </p>\\n<p>An additional 920 meals have been provided by RMHCI to
> families with children receiving care at Saint Alphonsus Health System.
> </p>\\n<p>The Ronald McDonald staff provides the lunch boxes four days a
> week, typically including sandwiches, fruit and chips, as well as snack
> bags. The total cost of the lunches so far has been about
> $24,000.</p>\\n<p>“Without these wonderful care packages, many parents
> would go all day without food,” Iverson said. “This partnership has been so
> important during this COVID pandemic.”</p>\\n<p>Some of the food items are
> donated from local organizations, while others are purchased by staff and
> assembled in the kitchen at the new Ronald McDonald House facility, near
> the St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center. </p>\\n<p>St. Luke’s employees pick up
> the meals and take them across the street to the children’s
> hospital.</p>\\n<p>“The feedback that we’ve gotten from families and nurses
> and people over at St. Luke’s is that it’s so helpful because families
> either may not have money to get food or they don’t want to leave their
> child’s bedside,” Munson said.</p>\\n<p>The Ronald McDonald House started
> accepting new families again at its facility in May 2020. St. Luke’s
> Children’s Hospital is the only children’s hospital in Idaho, which has led
> to a strong partnership between the medical center and nearby Ronald
> McDonald House. </p>\\n<p>“It has been very collaborative with St. Luke’s.
> We wanted to make sure what we were going to be doing was beneficial,”
> Munson said. </p>\\n<p>The program will continue through the end of March,
> marking one full year of providing meals, and then the Ronald McDonald
> House staff will reevaluate for short- and long-term plans, Munson said.
> </p>\\n<p>“The pandemic obviously isn’t ideal, but it did allow us find new
> ways of helping families,” Munson said. “A lot of our focus is family
> centered care—that’s really our goal, and feeding families is a big part of
> that.”</p>\\n<p><br>\\n</p>"
>             },
>             {
>               "Name": "Channel",
>               "Type": "Droptree",
>               "Value": "Better Together"
>             },
>             {
>               "Name": "Heading",
>               "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>               "Value": "Better Together"
>             },
>             { "Name": "Number to Display", "Type": "Integer", "Value": "4"
> },
>             {
>               "Name": "Related Item",
>               "Type": "Droptree",
>               "Value": "St Lukes Childrens Hospital"
>             },
>             {
>               "Name": "Heading",
>               "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>               "Value": "Related Hospital"
>             }
>           ]
>         }
>       },
>       "Facets": ["Blogs", "Article"],
>       "Title": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s find new ways
> to help families",
>       "Summary": ""
>     }
>   }
> }]'
> ________________________________
> From: Thomas Corthals <tho...@klascement.net>
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 8:19 PM
> To: Matthew Castrigno <castr...@slhs.org>
> Cc: users@solr.apache.org <users@solr.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: I cannot get nested objects to index - with image links
> Hi Matthew If you set json. command=false your JSON will be treated as
> custom JSON. You'll have to remove that parameter to have it treated as
> Solr JSON. You can use the full command index: curl --location --request
> POST ' xxxx: 8983/solr/talix/update'
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside the St. Luke's email system.
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
> Hi Matthew
> If you set json.command=false your JSON will be treated as custom JSON.
> You'll have to remove that parameter to have it treated as Solr JSON. You
> can use the full command index:
> curl --location --request POST ' xxxx:8983/solr/talix/update' \
> --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> --data-raw '
> {
>     "add":{
>         "doc":{
>             "doc_id":"parent",
>             "Name":"Parent",
>             "child":{
>                 "doc_id":"child",
>                 "Name":"Child"
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }'
> Or you can wrap your document(s) in a JSON array:
> curl --location --request POST ' xxxx:8983/solr/talix/update' \
> --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> --data-raw '
> [
>     {
>         "doc_id":"parent",
>         "Name":"Parent",
>         "child":{
>             "doc_id":"child",
>             "Name":"Child"
>         }
>     }
> ]'
> Thomas
> Op ma 31 okt. 2022 om 19:27 schreef Matthew Castrigno <castr...@slhs.org
> <mailto:castr...@slhs.org>>:
> Hi Thomas,
> I am attempting to define my fields to accept the data that will actually
> be sent, it is more deeply nested.
> In doing so I have interpreted the results of the previous configuration
> to not include (pseudo-)fields. In the JSON below I believe those to be
> "content" from the prior example, along with "Page, Body, Modules and
> Fields" but his gives me the error shown. How do I handle these other
> fields. Thank you for your assistance, it is greatly appreciated.
>     <field name="partner" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="command" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="doc_id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="true" multiValued="false" />
> <!--
>     <field name="content" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="true" multiValued="false" />
> -->
>     <field name="Id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Name" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Url" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Date" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="ContentType" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Facets" type="strings" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Title" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Summary" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Type" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <field name="Value" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
>     <!-- docValues are enabled by default for long type so we don't need
> to index the version field  -->
>     <field name="_version_" type="plong" indexed="false" stored="false"/>
>     <!-- If you don't use child/nested documents, then you should remove
> the next two fields:  -->
>     <!-- for nested documents (minimal; points to root document) -->
>     <field name="_root_" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false"
> docValues="false" />
>     <!-- for nested documents (relationship tracking) -->
>     <field name="_nest_path_" type="_nest_path_" /><fieldType
> name="_nest_path_" class="solr.NestPathField" />
>     <field name="_text_" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false"
> multiValued="true"/>
> curl --location --request POST '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/talix/update?json.command=false [localhost]<
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://localhost:8983/solr/talix/update?json.command=false__;!!FkC3_z_N!LgZrR73cMpi5QtTn3HlQ8otfmdBkgNRfgjpr8LnJU_doX019ya3vSxF9z6Ha9TUXIGqfIpGDCvxnCZf0$>'
> \
> --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> --data-raw '{
>   "partner": "88027688-62c4-459a-b4d5-a8ecf9edd1bf",
>   "command": "add",
>   "doc_id": "2ff99d1a-a21b-4391-9c47-af2865acb753",
>   "content": {
>     "Page": {
>       "Id": "2ff99d1a-a21b-4391-9c47-af2865acb753",
>       "Name": "Ronald McDonald House Idaho meals",
>       "Url":
> "/blogs/st-lukes/news-and-community/2021/jan/ronald-mcdonald-house-idaho-meals",
>       "Date": "2022-10-03T12:30:17.3388537",
>       "ContentType": "Blog",
>       "Body": {
>         "Fields": [
>           { "Name": "Heading Background Image", "Type": "Image", "Value":
> "" },
>           { "Name": "Tile Wide Image", "Type": "Image", "Value": "" },
>           { "Name": "Specialties", "Type": "Treelist", "Value": "" },
>           {
>             "Name": "Blog Post Name",
>             "Type": "Single-Line Text",
>             "Value": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s find
> new ways to help families"
>           },
>           { "Name": "Blog Summary", "Type": "Rich Text", "Value": "" },
>           { "Name": "Share Summary", "Type": "Multi-Line Text", "Value":
> "" }
>         ],
>         "Modules": {
>           "Fields": [
>             { "Name": "Content", "Type": "Rich Text", "Value": "" },
>             { "Name": "Image Position", "Type": "Droptree", "Value":
> "Right" },
>             { "Name": "Image Source", "Type": "Image", "Value": "" },
>             {
>               "Name": "Image Content",
>               "Type": "Rich Text",
>               "Value": "<p>For more than three decades</p>"
>             }
>           ]
>         }
>       },
>       "Facets": ["Blogs", "Article"],
>       "Title": "Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke’s Children’s find new ways
> to help families",
>       "Summary": ""
>     }
>   }
> }'
> Response:
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":400,
>     "QTime":0},
>   "error":{
>     "metadata":[
>       "error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException",
>       "root-error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException"],
>     "msg":"undefined field: \"content.Page.Id [content.page.id]<
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://content.Page.Id__;!!FkC3_z_N!LgZrR73cMpi5QtTn3HlQ8otfmdBkgNRfgjpr8LnJU_doX019ya3vSxF9z6Ha9TUXIGqfIpGDCrcqIV9e$
> >\"",
>     "code":400}}
> ________________________________
> From: Matthew Castrigno <castr...@slhs.org<mailto:castr...@slhs.org>>
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2022 10:36 AM
> To: Thomas Corthals <tho...@klascement.net<mailto:tho...@klascement.net>>
> Cc: users@solr.apache.org<mailto:users@solr.apache.org> <
> users@solr.apache.org<mailto:users@solr.apache.org>>
> Subject: Re: I cannot get nested objects to index - with image links
> Thank you, Thomas! Changing the required to false allowed the document to
> be indexed. I did not gleam this information from the SOLR documentation
> regarding nested documents. Do you know of any good sources for educational
> material on this subject? I cannot change the payloads that I am working
> with unfortunately. They make heavy use of deeply nested json object. Thank
> you again for your assistance, it is most appreciated!
> ________________________________
> From: Thomas Corthals <tho...@klascement.net<mailto:tho...@klascement.net
> >>
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2022 1:34 AM
> To: Matthew Castrigno <castr...@slhs.org<mailto:castr...@slhs.org>>
> Cc: users@solr.apache.org<mailto:users@solr.apache.org> <
> users@solr.apache.org<mailto:users@solr.apache.org>>
> Subject: Re: I cannot get nested objects to index - with image links
> Hi Matthew All the fields in your schema are required="true". This means
> they are required for all documents, whether parents or children (or
> standalone). "Required" fields (from a business logic perspective) on
> parents
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
> This Message Is From an Untrusted Sender
> You have not previously corresponded with this sender.
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
> Hi Matthew
> All the fields in your schema are required="true". This means they are
> required for all documents, whether parents or children (or standalone).
> "Required" fields (from a business logic perspective) on parents and
> children will usually be different and that can't be enforced in a Solr
> schema.
> The only fields that can be required="true" are the ones that are required
> for all types of documents. The uniqueKeyField is definitely one of them.
> For all other fields, it might make more sense to handle this constraint in
> your application.
> Thomas
> Op do 27 okt. 2022 om 01:08 schreef Matthew Castrigno <castr...@slhs.org
> <mailto:castr...@slhs.org>>:
> Thank you so much for your response, Thomas, I do appreciate it.
> I made the changes, but I am getting a different error now. Did I not
> interpret your instructions correctly?
> https://i.postimg.cc/SNM4t7vs/updated-schema.png [i.postimg.cc]<
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://i.postimg.cc/SNM4t7vs/updated-schema.png__;!!FkC3_z_N!JJcOTo8MLWYS72yOLdGmPbY8vOwX_B_w1HO2eCNy2NK_4nSWBTu3eKknYiA8rgpJ4E66YWvLPJeAa1Gl$
> >
> https://i.postimg.cc/RZtcF8bB/Screenshot-2022-10-26-170222.png [
> i.postimg.cc]<
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://i.postimg.cc/RZtcF8bB/Screenshot-2022-10-26-170222.png__;!!FkC3_z_N!JJcOTo8MLWYS72yOLdGmPbY8vOwX_B_w1HO2eCNy2NK_4nSWBTu3eKknYiA8rgpJ4E66YWvLPNYoRUGC$
> >
> ________________________________
> From: Thomas Corthals <tho...@klascement.net<mailto:tho...@klascement.net
> >>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 1:28 AM
> To: users@solr.apache.org<mailto:users@solr.apache.org> <
> users@solr.apache.org<mailto:users@solr.apache.org>>
> Subject: Re: I cannot get nested objects to index - with image links
> Hi Matthew The (pseudo-)field in which you want to put the nested
> documents ("content" in your example) should not be added to the schema.
> The actual fields of the nested document (id, stuff1, stuff2) need to match
> an explicit field definition
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
> This Message Is From an Untrusted Sender
> You have not previously corresponded with this sender.
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
> Hi Matthew
> The (pseudo-)field in which you want to put the nested documents ("content"
> in your example) should not be added to the schema. The actual fields of
> the nested document (id, stuff1, stuff2) need to match an explicit field
> definition or a dynamicField definition in your schema though.
> Thomas
> Op ma 24 okt. 2022 om 23:48 schreef Matthew Castrigno <castr...@slhs.org
> <mailto:castr...@slhs.org>>:
> > Hello Community, Thank you for taking the time to read my message.
> >
> > I am attempting to index (update) a document with a nested object.
> >
> > In reading the documentation is seems to state that the fields of the
> > nested object do not need to be and should not be added
> >
> > to schema.xml.  I am getting error that the field of the nested object is
> > undefined, and I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
> >
> > Any insights appreciated. Thank you
> >
> >
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://i.postimg.cc/25GtB1Mc/update.png__;!!FkC3_z_N!MH9mbztbPvc05Og3x_fcnapmPzux7fhqgdChsAIR0bqiTiV_-BVnIdI8Z---HIWeD5TLbiwytoGIDSsB$
> >
> >
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