On 6/3/24 21:53, Lee Daniel wrote:

*## Drupal*

The Drupal site is hosted on the same server as Solr.
I installed it on the same server.
This server host multiple sites, which we plan to use Solr for some of them. One IP multiple sites.

You can't have 2 different programs listen to the same port on the same ip address. Web servers can hostname-based "virtual hosts" where they route requests to the appropriate site based on the HTTP-level headers, that's the "standard" setup.

The other option is to make other programs listen to other ports and have the webserver proxy to them. Using Thomas's example, bind Solr to localhost:8983 and have
  ProxyPass /solr/
  ProxyPassReverse /solr/
(whatever the nginx syntax is for this). Then you can get solr from the outside as http[s]://mysite/solr and ssl can be left to the webserver. If your site(s) are running on the same host they can query without going out to the 'net, and if your provider offers ssh access you can tunnel port 8983 for admin work -- and not have Solr exposed to The Internet at all.

If you only have one hostname and it is already taken by plesk, then I guess your drupal sites will have to live in the subdirectories as well? (I never used drupal, no idea how that works.)


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