The way I have sa setup is if SA exits with an error code, it will drop the 
email.  I don't do this, because I would much rather just mark the message as 
spam and let the enduser delete it themselves. A nice feature would be if SA 
could makes messages as spam for a certain score or higher and then exit with 
an error code for another set score.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bowie Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 1:28 PM
Subject: RE: delete email

From: Jonathan Nichols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is there any way in the stock SA install to tell it to delete email? I 
> know you can do it with procmail, milter, etc, but that's not what I want.
> I'm asking because the question has come up about "can spamassassin 
> itself with NO add-ons be set to delete email."

That's kind of like asking if Sendmail can scan for spam with NO add-ons.

SpamAssassin detects spam and adds markup to emails passed through it.  It is 
not an MTA, it cannot deliver, sort, or delete email.  It is designed to be 
called by an MTA or MDA which can then deliver, sort, or delete the email based 
on the SA markup.


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