On 16 Sep 2004 13:39:30 -0700, Daniel Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think we could use a better way to merge Bayesian results into the
> SpamAssassin score, though.


An idea that just occurred to me, that would have been prohibitively
expensive with the GA but maybe isn't with the perceptron model:

Rather than divide the score sets by with/without Bayes, have multiple
score sets and use the Bayes probability to choose which score set to
apply.  (I.e., there is no direct score for Bayes itself.)  A Bayes
probability of, say, 0.45 - 0.55 would use the same score set as
"without Bayes," on the assumption that in that range Bayes is unable
to contribute to the decision.

My intuition, which may be wrong, would be that such an arrangement
would cause a big increase in the score values of a small number of
rules in the score sets for near-zero and near-one probability, though
not the same rules in each set.

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