I checked the doc's archive however, I can not find a solution to my
problem. What I am trying to do is have different users in Mysql bayes
db.  I am using Spamd with the following start options:
-d -c -m6 -H -i0.0.0.0 -A192.168.0 -D -x -s /var/log/spamd.log

When I do a spamassassin --lint -D it lint's ok. 
I have this setup on another machine under cygwin, and it works ok.
I am communicating through spamc and am passing the user that I want
spamd to use for the bayes db (user prefs aren't important here, just
want to get bayes setup) with x I got rid of the user not found errors.
Is there any way I can have spamd use the user that spamc passes it? Etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] As of yet it's using root to connect to
the mysql db. 

Any thoughts? Need more info?

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