
I'm trying to use pop3proxy with SA3, but I cannot see the x-spam headers.

Here is some more info.

I did a clean install of Activestate Perl and SA3, following
instructions at http://www.openhandhome.com/howtosa300.html .

Spamassassin works: if I fire up a command prompt and type 

CMD>   spamassassin.bat < mymessage.txt > output.txt

the message is correctly parsed and tagged. 

I then installed pop3proxy from http://mcd.perlmonk.org/pop3proxy/ and
changed it according to
http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/CantLocateNoMailAudit . In particular, I
changed line 857 from

  my $message = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit->new(data => [EMAIL PROTECTED], 


  my $message = $spamtest->parse( [EMAIL PROTECTED],

leaving the rest unchanged.

Pop3proxy works, i.e. I can retrieve the mail using my mail client (Mozilla
1.8a3). If I look at the pop3proxy.log , all messages are correctly
identified as ham or spam. However, pop3proxy spits out the unprocessed

My local.cf adds a custom header: this appears in the output file I get from
spamassassin.bat. I added

  print $message->get_all_headers();

in my pop3proxy.pl, right after 

  $status->rewrite_mail() unless $respect_byte_count;

and, as a result, I can see all x-spam headers, including my custom header,
in the log file. However, I cannot see the headers in my client.

I used to run SA 2.63 on perl 5.6.1 with no problems at all.

Any suggestions?

Thanks and regards

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