I just started using a postfix/mailscanner/SA setup to filter outbound
and inbound mail.  Currently scanning about 35k messages per day.  I'm a
long time windows user / short time linux user, but had no problem
getting it setup and running.  I'm happy with the results, that's for

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scot Desort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 10:31 AM
> To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
> Subject: Looking for Advice - setting up a SA/MD gateway server
> We run a bunch of  Win32 mail servers on our network. These 
> servers already have spam and virus filtering for local email 
> delivery. However, when a mailbox has it's mail forwarded 
> off-net, the mail is not filtered. As such,  when a local 
> users forwards their mailbox to AOL, they then read their 
> email in the AOL client, click the SPAM button in the AOL 
> client, and OUR IP address(es) get flagged by AOL.
> Getting rid of the Win boxes is not an option. So, I want to 
> force all of my Win mail servers to gateway all of the 
> OUTBOUND email to a SA box that will filter it before it 
> leaves my network. I will need to have the filtering config 
> ignore the IP addresses of all of my internal boxes, and 
> begin scanning at the next hop IP in the mail header. I was 
> originally thought about having some way to ONLY scan 
> forwarded mail (as opposed to mail originating on my 
> network), but I think that would not be worth the effort, and 
> I might as well scan everything.
> >From reading as many FAQ's and sample configs as I could find, it
> seems like SA with MD would be my best bet. It appears to 
> give me the flexibility I need, without being overly complicated.
> Initially, the server would not handle inbound mail, but may 
> be expanded to included that as well.
> Due to the way that the Win boxes handle forwarding, when a 
> forwarded message is detected as spam and sent back to the 
> Win32 box from SA, I can't really bounce it. I will need to 
> either forward it to a mailbox for my admins to review, or 
> simple delete it.
> Does it sound like the Sendmail/SA/MD combo meets the 
> requirements above? If so, is there an FAQ or some other 
> document anyone knows about that gives an example of this config?
> Would Postfix/SA/amavis-new  be a better solution? 
> TIA,
> -- 
> Scot

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