At 10:24 AM 9/28/2004, Felipe Tonioli wrote:
Maybe looks like a easy question, but isn't...

I have a Small traffic of messages, around 350 messages per day with
an average of  130 of that are spam... my big "problem" is the time
out, what is a problem of my machine... i think that i stop around 95%
of spam, and 3% of that 5% messages that arent  stopped are by time
out problems...

Are you using MailScanner? If so, disable opportunistic bayes expiry in your, and enable MailScanner's "Rebuild Bayes" option in MailScanner.conf. This should significantly reduce timeout problems.

        #disable auto-expire, it messes with MailScanner
        bayes_auto_expire 0

#get MS to rebuild (aka journal sync and check for expire) 4 times a day
Rebuild Bayes Every = 21600

Why should I upgrade to 3.0, Will I get any benefit ? last time i
tried to upgrade, in RC2 i have a lot of trouble ... what should
determine an upgrade ?

If you're not having significant problems, I'd not worry much. However, SA 3.0 has a hash-based bayes DB which is faster and consumes less memory.

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