On Mon, Sep 27, 2004 at 03:01:08PM -0700, Ed Kasky wrote:
> Just wanted to pass along a note of congratulations for the release
> of version 3.0.0.  My upgrade went quickly and turned out to be
> bloodless.  The documentation is easy to follow and just explicit
> enough.
> Thanks again for a professionally developed and packaged project!
> The best part of all is that it works so damn well ;-)

I'd like to say me too.  From what I can tell SA 3.0 is excellent.  I
have not put it in production yet, but I have it installed on a test box
and the scores are much better looking than they were with 2.63.  The
upgrade on my test system was relatively painless.

If it weren't for spamassassin, I would not be able to read my email.
It does a damn good job of filtering my mail.  I'm very consarvative
with my scoring and filtering based on that scoring so that I don't miss
any important mail because of a false positive.  Even when my bayes
database got poisoned by a spamassassin mailinglist post, the scores
were not high enough to ever land my legitimate mail in the worst of my
three spam mailboxes.  (I fixed it so that a spamassassin mail cannot do
that in the future :)

Kudos to the SA team.  The best feature that I like about SA 3.0 is the
plugin support.  That should be very interesting in the near future when
good 3rd party plugins become available.


| Michael Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| UNIX Systems Administrator              |
| College of William and Mary             |
| Phone: (757) 879-3930                   |

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