At 03:55 PM 9/29/2004 -0700, Andy Biddle wrote:
Okay, so I'm at a loss.  I'm reasonably new to SpamAssassin and dealing
with spam filters in general, but I've tried to do my homework and I'm
still having some trouble.  If I look at all my headers, I never see the
autolearning work.  Often it gets "autolearn=unavailable".  I figure that
I need to teach it a bit through "sa-learn", but when I try to utilize
sa-learn, I get the following errors:

Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex() is

Do you have the perl module Digest::SHA1 installed? If not, use cpan or distribution packages to add it. SA 3.0 uses SHA1 hashes as a part of it's bayes token format.

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