On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Luis Hernán Otegui wrote:

Same thing here, except that it also eats as much memory as it can...
Scan times keep growing bigger and bigger in time...

I saw this problem too on our scanning machine (dual Xeon HT 1GB RAM), upgraded to SA 3.0 over the weekend. After awhile (4-8 hours) it would get slower and slower (to the point the milter on the mail gateway would timeout waiting for spamd to finish a message), and then unscanned email would be delivered.

I tracked it down (partially) to 3 or more of the spamd threads jumping up to around 320MB allocated RAM and staying there. Easy to suck up a gig that way. As more of the spamd children 'blew up' the slower the system became due to the increased swapping.

By default each spamd child will handle 200 connections before terminating and allowing the 'master' to start a new child. After several hours, these blownup spamd's would bring the machine to it's knees.

What I did was add '--max-conn-per-child=1' to the spamd start line. This causes each child to die after handling one connection. I still see the occasional 'blow up' for a spamd child, but at least now it gets released as soon as that particular child as finished scanning it's message.

Since then, I haven't had any more problems - running 2 days now without requiring a manual restart to regain control of the machine.

Of course this is really just a workaround. spamd really should release it's allocated mem after handling a message. I have no idea what causes a spamd to explode like that - a 'special' message that exploits some bug in spamd? You guys might try that option to spamd and see if it helps.

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:56:01 -0600, Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So, I take it that no one is seeing these weird spamd delays but me?  Rats.

Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-09-29 14:11]:
Howdy all.  I'm running version 3.0.0 on Gentoo Linux (using the
3.0.0-r1 ebuild).  The machine is a dual P3/450 and it is also running
sendmail 8.12.11 and it handles mail for 20 or so domains with less
than 20 users total.  So, the mail volume is pretty low.

I'm running spamd in the following manner:

/usr/sbin/spamd -d -r /var/run/spamd/spamd.pid -u mail -x -m 10 -L

I'm running spamc out of my /etc/procmailrc (with no options).

What I've noticed is that after spamd has been running for a little
while, it starts to take longer and longer to check each message.
Here is a snippet of my times from 2.64:

clean message (-104.9/5.0) for user1:8 in 0.8 seconds, 1129 bytes.
clean message (-104.9/5.0) for user2:8 in 0.9 seconds, 1231 bytes.
clean message (-104.9/5.0) for user1:8 in 0.8 seconds, 1231 bytes.
clean message (-4.9/5.0) for user1:8 in 1.1 seconds, 1046 bytes.

When I first start spamd, I see times that are very close to this.
But, within 10-20 minutes, they start to climb.  Here is how they look
right now (I started spamd 40 minutes ago).

clean message (-102.8/5.0) for user1:8 in 5.8 seconds, 1282 bytes.
clean message (-5.0/5.0) for user2:8 in 41.8 seconds, 2867 bytes.
clean message (-100.0/5.0) for user3:8 in 37.8 seconds, 2250 bytes.

If I let spamd run for several hours, I'll see times near 200 seconds
per message and it seems to keep increasing.

I have always had "skip_rbl_checks 1" in my local.cf.  But, I've been
trying to isolate what's caused this new slowness, so I've also tried
to first disable razor2, dcc and pyzor and that didn't seem to make
much difference.  Then I set use_bayes to 0 and that seems to help a
little bit, but I still see long delays.  The delayed times that I
show above are for this configuration:

# Enable the Bayes system
use_bayes               0

# Enable or disable network checks
skip_rbl_checks         1
use_razor2              1
use_dcc                 1
use_pyzor               1

I also tried "lock_method flock" and I didn't see much success their
either.  Anyway, I was hoping someone else had seen this behavior and
or maybe someone could shed some light on what might be the cause of


Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Network/System Consultant
Key fingerprint: 254F B2AC 9939 C715 278C  DA95 4109 9F69 777C BF3F
Listening to: The Courtship of Birdy Numnum - The
Parapalegic-Homoerotic Episode

-- Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Network/System Consultant GPG KeyID: 777CBF3F Key fingerprint: 254F B2AC 9939 C715 278C DA95 4109 9F69 777C BF3F Listening to: The Styrenes - Cold Meat

-- Jon Trulson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ID: 1A9A2B09, FP: C23F328A721264E7 B6188192EC733962 PGP keys at http://radscan.com/~jon/PGPKeys.txt #include <std/disclaimer.h> "I am Nomad." -Nomad

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