It works if the user's profile is loaded.  Usually sa is run from some
startup daemon.  Daemons are usually started with a very minimal
environment - maybe a little bit of path, and some OS type settings and
they rarely execute some .login/.cshrc script to load the environment. 
With no true user profile loaded, what does ~user/bayes mean?  I'm
guessing "/bayes".


> Matthew.van.Eerde wrote:
>> I don't think it's a bug...
>> what does ~spamd/ mean?  I'm not familiar with that kind of syntax.
>> ~ usually means "home directory of the calling user"... and that's
>> expanded for you...
>> There's an idiom in the web world of calling personal user folders
>> /~user (as in but that's just to
>> evoke the ~ idea, not a strict syntax
> Never mind, apparently ~user is a real syntax (I learn something new every
> day!)

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