
Spamassassins DCC configuration option "use_dcc" specifies 
whether to use DCC or not. However, it appears that 
Spamassassin will perform a dcc check if dccifd is available 
(if the socket specified under dcc_dccifd_pathor exists) or 
use_dcc is set to 1. The same logic is in both 2.64 and 3.0. 
Can anyone explain the reasoning behind this? I would have 
thought that if use_dcc = 0, then that would be that and no 
dcc checks would be performed. 

sub check_dcc { 
  my ($self, $fulltext) = @_;
  my $have_dccifd = $self->is_dccifd_available();

  return 0 unless ($have_dccifd || $self->is_dcc_available());

If I comment don't specify dcc_dccifd_path and dcc_home in 
local.cf then no dcc checks will occur, so that workaround 
is fine. Likewise, if I stop the dccifd daemon.

This has caught me out before at a customer site, where 
DCC ports where blocked by their firewall. I set use_dcc to 
0, but didn't stop the dccifd daemon. This resulted in 
dcc_timeout delay for each check...

Why isn't use_dcc the overriding parameter. If it only 
controls DCCproc then the documentation should say this.

                - Sean

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