
On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 10:33:08 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> It seems that the marked spam is never getting to this point, to have these
> rules applied to it.  It is being marked and then being sent to the user,
> marked as spam, so that part is working.  Is there another file somewhere
> that I should be looking at to verify that the procmailrc ruleset is being
> applied?  I have inherited this project after the person who installed it
> left, so I apologize for  my "newbieness", and I would appreciate any help
> anyone might offer.

Procmail is a weird and magical beast and its ways are most mysterious.
Meaning it's a big pain in the ass for new users and old, tired users
are not willing to build something more friendly because they've all
suffered through making it work for them. See also: vi, emacs.

Welcome to unix. :)

> ( I have tried uncommenting
> #:0:
> #* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*
> #/dev/null
> and
> #:0 H
> #* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*
> #/dev/null
> to no avail...

I'm using

* ^X-spam-status: yes
   # do something ...

The braces and the 'H' are probably unnecessary.

Try adding the following to the top of .procmailrc (adjust home
directory as necessary):


Check procmail.log for clues.

Also, try using 

:0 H
* ^X-Spam-Level:[       ]*\*\*\*\*\*\*

where [         ] = [<space><tab>]*


-- Bob

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