Good to know - I was not aware that it did the --sync after learning.


At 03:54 PM Friday, 10/8/2004, Nate Schindler wrote -=>
a --sync operation is performed when you sa-learn things. This commits the journal to the database, and removes the file.
it's recreated, written to, committed, and removed automatically when needed. sa-learn just forces this to happen whenever it's run.

it's by design.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Kasky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 3:09 PM

I am currently running SA 3.0.0 with a site wide bayes and spamd running as
user spamd.

Database is in /home/spamd

When I pipe false negatives through sa-learn, the bayes_journal file
disappears.  Is this by design or is there something I need to change or fix?

Ed . . . . . . . . Avenge yourself. Live long enough to be a problem to your children.

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