On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 15:41:37 -0600 (CST)
Ryan Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Robin Lynn Frank wrote to users@spamassassin.apache.org:
> > We use SA 3.0.0 with MySQL so we can extract certain AWL data and
> > use it at the MTA level.  However, since SA doesn't have an
> > auto-blacklist feature,
> Hi Robin,
> Actually, "AutoWhiteList" (AWL) is a bit of a misnomer. AWL maintains
> average message scores for sender/class-B tuples, so, in effect, it is
> also an auto blacklist, because repeat spam senders will have high
> average scores in the AWL database.
> > I'd like to find a relatively simple way to extract IP addresses
> > from emails that contain spam.  If it is of any importance, we
> > invoke SA via amavisd-new.
> See, for instance, the check_whitelist script in the tools/ directory
> of the distribution. I get output like this:
>      -4.5       (-35.6/8)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=64.59
>       9.3        (27.9/3)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=65.39
> The first line is for a user that sends ham, so his/her score on
> future messages would be pushed closer to -4.5.
> The second line is for a user that sends spam, so, if they sent a more
> hammy message later, the AWL would likely *add* points to the message,
> while decreasing the average slightly.
> It works both ways. If you want to use this at the MTA level, I could
> envision you wanting to grab, say, every entry over a certain average
> score and potentially greylist based on that or something.
> Hope this helps,
> - Ryan
Yes it does.  The only thing I see that is a problem is that the IPs
appear to be /16s.  /24s would be a broad enough brush to paint with. 
Back to the drawing board.

Robin Lynn Frank
Director of Operations
Paradigm-Omega, LLC
Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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