Nate Schindler wrote:
Once in a while, I notice a hit for an RBL-related test that seems a little off. When I check for the existance of a record in the list, I can't find one. Below is a match SA 3 found in an e-mail from one of our dealers. I thought it was curious that they were listed, so I checked into it, and couldn't find this domain in surbl.

Most likely scenario:

1. Someone erroneously reports the domain name to SURBL.
2. You receive and scan the message, which fires on URIBL_WS_SURBL.
3. Someone else realizes the listing is invalid, and it gets removed from
4. You read the message, wonder why the heck it triggered a SURBL check, and look it up. Since it's already been removed, you don't find it.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <>

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