On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 20:04, jdow wrote:
Someone used my address with the name Daniel Hofer. So about 10% of the
spam I get is instantly filterable with that name and variants.

Well, a new variant of 419 has hit my mailbox. Someone named Allan Hofer
died in Nigeria. And he left a big estate. The "barrister" wants to take
70%, reserve 5% for expenses, and give me 25%. I am SORELY tempted to
reply something like, "Oh My God, Cousin Allan is dead? He was such a
friend to me when we were little. <and on and on>"

Gawd but it's tailor made for a reverse sting!

{O,o}   I must be crazed tonight.

Someone has done this already.  Check out: http://thespamletters.com

Some writer has replied to a lot of spam with the craziest things and a few have replied.  See the ongoing discussions he has had with some of the Nigerians.


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