Hooray!  Just when I was thinking about how to start another thread asking the 
question...  I am pleased that this thread can continue.  :)

Read below...

> > Thanks so much.  Unfortunately, I don't see much change in my CPU usage by
> spamd.  I am
> > at a loss, as I've spent almost an entire day reading old mailing list
> threads and the
> > wiki, but no one has seemed to post anything concrete as to why spamd
> would eat so much
> > CPU (in my case, it spikes to as much as 35%, so running 5 max children
> really taxes my
> I think there are several theories on SA processor usage.
> 1.    bayes expire

I have not been using Bayes due to what appears to be such a resource problem 
with SA
that if I add the time on top of that for Bayes, my mail server will start 
backing up
email.  I would *like* to figure out what is consuming so much for spamd so I 
possibly turn Bayes on again.

> 2.    bayes expire jorrnal bug

Is this bug fixed in development versions of the software?

> 3.    Some rule with something like an .* in it that is looping like mad on
> certain text patterns.

I only use stock rules, is this a possibility with what I get with the standard 

> 4.    Something else.


> If you are getting suddenly huge bayes journals along with your processor
> usage, it is #2.

I use SQL-based Bayes, but again, I have autolearn temporarily turned off.

> If SA is taking 2-5 minutes randomly, and repeating on the same mail message
> doesn't have the same result, it may be #1.

Times are not out of the ordinary I think (at the busiest of times, they range 
almost as low as one second to typically 1 minute at the highest).  The problem 
appears to be that spamd eats up so much of the CPU that I can do little else 
for fear
that the box will collapse into flames.

> If SA is taking a long time to process a specific message every time, it is
> probably #3.

I don't *think* this is a problem, but haven't been watching specific messages. 
 Is this
problem a possibility on a 100% stock ruleset?
> The first thing is to try to determine whether you are seeing spikes or
> constant heavy load.  I think you are implying that you see spikes.

Sorry, I am saying that I see a consistently high load (spamd bounces around 
between 5%
and 40% CPU... I only meant to use the word spike to say that spamd children 
average 20%/30% but that almost 50% is only a bit unusual).  Again, the problem 
seems to
be a fairly consistent high CPU usage by spamd.  A sample from top:

1401 maildrop  16   0 39744  34m 6840 R 28.3  3.4   3:04.18 spamd
And this is how I start spamd:

LANG=en_US; export LANG; TMPDIR=/tmp/spamassassin; export TMPDIR
spamd -d -q -x --max-children=5 -H /etc/razor -u maildrop -r 

/tmp/spamassassin is mounted with tmpfs

we also run named on the same machine

if it's important, this is 3.0rc5, downloaded and compiled manually (not a CPAN 

also, this is a Fedora Core 2 machine (2.8P-IV hyperthreaded, 1GB RAM)

spamc is called from maildrop as such:

if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
   exception {
      xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -u $LOGNAME"

Any advice or even just pointers on any more reading I can do would be highly

> The next thing to do is to try to figure out of the spikes correlate with
> certain messages, with certian times, or occur randomly.  You can also check
> for the bayes journal bug fairly easily.
> If you end up with a particular message that eats the processor alive, you
> probably also have a bad rule that is the real culprit.  DProf I believe it
> is should perhaps be able to track the problem down to the rule if you have
> an example message.
>         Loren

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