email builder wrote:
I hurried out and installed 3.0.1, thinking one of those memory/language
improvements mentioned in the release notes were going to be my savior...

Sadly, 3.0.1's spamd has the same CPU-intensive behavior here. I am soooo at
a loss; tried everything I've read... spent days reading... please, anyone
have anything more?

If spamd isn't I/O bound, my memory isn't swapping, I have no other processes
that are out of control, I can't for the life of me figure out why this is

Again, my specs:

A sample from top:

1401 maildrop 16 0 39744 34m 6840 R 28.3 3.4 3:04.18 spamd
spamd children average around 30% CPU, but even 50% not too unusual.

load average is around 15 to 18 during the middle of the day

And this is how I start spamd:

LANG=en_US; export LANG; TMPDIR=/tmp/spamassassin; export TMPDIR
spamd -d -q -x --max-children=5 -H /etc/razor -u maildrop -r

(also tried with -L to no avail)

/tmp/spamassassin is mounted with tmpfs

prefs/bayes/awl all in SQL, but bayes/awl not being used right now

we also run named on the same machine

if it's important, this is 3.0.1, downloaded and compiled manually (not a
CPAN install)

I have installed no custom rulesets, nothing extra beside whatever comes 100%
stock.  This is a Fedora Core 2 machine (2.8P-IV hyperthreaded, 1GB RAM)

spamc is called from maildrop as such:

if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
   exception {
      xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -u $LOGNAME"

(also tried running inside of amavis to no avail)

Any advice or even just pointers on any more reading I can do would be highly

What in the world is going on? Isn't it true that spamd (beside DCC)


its thing w/out disk I/O? If so, what else could be chewing up so much


I don't know - The same thing happens to me a couple of times a day, and I
only get about 350 messages per day.  Today it was at 12:25p:

12:25:07         4496    511804     99.13      2532      9420     65088
432884     86.93

12:25:07            0        91      5.47      2.35      0.89 <<<<<<< LA

When this happens, the HDD is constantly active. I'm using v2.64 with
network checks. The load average for the 21 hrs of this day is about 0.1

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

Have you tried doing a force-expire on your bayes db?

I found this helped me. Disabling autoexpire, and twice a day running sa-learn --force-expire

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