
Sincere apologies if this question has been answered elsewhere but I have not been able to find a succinct solution.

Currently I'm using SA in a small office. It is an earlier version running on Windows and using pop3proxy mcd.perlmonk.org/pop3proxy/ the set-up seems unstable, as emails are sometimes not received until a reboot of the machine is performed.

A mail server run off site by our local ISP collects all our emails.

We have a Linux box that I would like to use for the SA service and perhaps upgrade to the latest version and include some more in-depth tests like DNS.

I need to keep the proxy as retrieving the emails to the local machine (with fetchmail) and then collecting the emails (by running postfix) locally will cause all sorts of political problems.

I have investigated p3scan but don’t want all users to run through SA just two users in our network. Again this is political. It is my understanding of p3scan that it is an all or nothing system. I am inexperienced with iptables and don’t know if this could be a solution. I.e. routing requests to mail.isp.com 110 from local machine 192.168.x.y to the machine running p3scan. Upon rereading this it should be possible but I am not sure.

I could continue to use pop3proxy on the Linux machine (it may be more stable) but since it is targeted towards Windows I thought there must be a better solution.

So, is there a pop3 proxy solution for Linux to run SA for a few client machines or should I just use the pop3proxy perl script on the Linux machine and see how it goes?

Thanks for any advice.


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