On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 10:24:57AM +0000, Sean Doherty wrote:
>On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 20:37, George Georgalis wrote:
>> skip_rbl_checks 1
>> use_bayes 0
>> noautolearn 1
>> use_auto_whitelist 0
>> score AWL 0.001
>> trusted_networks 192.168.
>> score ALL_TRUSTED 0.001
>Do you mean -0.001? Why would you want to penalise mail
>coming thru a trusted path?

It really doesn't matter to me what the score is, I just want to disable
the test.


My /etc/spamassassin is the reference I replicate out to my other
systems, and systems of my clients, which may or may not be on nat and
certainly are on different networks.

The setup I use routes mail at the tcp level, it's basically impossible
for a message to reach spam assassin if it's from a trusted network.

I had scored ALL_TRUSTED to 0 but then decided I needed to know in
test reports what was happening. I don't know how much cpu this test
uses, but I'd like it to go away completely, or at have the option of
disabling it.

// George

George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator Linux BSD IXOYE
http://galis.org/george/ cell:646-331-2027 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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