On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 13:15, Lisa Casey wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> There has to be a easy way to learn to use this and get it to do what I want
> but I can't really figure it out. Surely there are some other ISP's on these
> lists who might be willing to tell me  how they use it.
> Thanks,
> Lisa Casey

I have been using procmail along with spamassassin and clamav to do
exactly what you want.  It might be a little less elegant than using a
milter but it is working perfectly so I am reluctant to change.  

I dump the viruses, and save all of the spam to a user file and give the
user a daily report of the Subject lines and From Lines.  If the user
wants the spam all he has to do is send an e-mail to a designated
address on our system and I have a script that digs up the spam and
sends it to him.  I rotate the spam files daily, and keep them for 8
days which gives the user a week or so to request the spam.

There are false positives, and if you dump the spam you will dump wanted
mail for sure.  I would also suggest that you not bounce the spam
because much of it has faulty addresses.  

If you want to go the procmail route let me know and I will give you the
particulars that I use.  

You are close to a solution  :)


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