I have a few more questions.  In my previous mail I showed this:

2.  Running --lint I get the following:
warning: score set for non-existent rule FREE_LEADS
warning: score set for non-existent rule US_DOLLARS_2
warning: score set for non-existent rule RATWARE_EVAMAIL
lint: 637 issues detected.  please rerun with debug enabled for more 

I've moved the 50_scores.cf rule out of the /etc/mail/spamassassin dir and 
those 637 issues went away.  I take it that this rule is no longer needed?

With 2.63 and DCC active I'd see a body #, fuz1 # and fuz2 #, I no longer 
see that.  I do have the dcc_body_max; _fuz1_max and _fuz2_max set to the 
suggested 999999 in my local.cf.  I also used to see the number of times a 
msg had been reported to pyzor, that too seems to be gone.  

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