
I recently installed version 3.0.1 - here are my particulars:

qmail-scanner 1.24
FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE i386
spamd invoked with: -H -c -d -m 3 -r <pidfile>

My question is this: why do the child perl processes as displayed by "ps ux" continually increase their memory usage?

I am using the default rule set only. I reduced the number of children from 5 (default apparently) to 3 because each child process requires 23.5 MB of memory immediately after start-up (plus another 23.5 MB for the parent process). From there they grow in memory seemingly for every message they scan. They grow to ~26.5 MB in the first 4 hours, and I have quite light mail traffic (300-400 messages per day).

Am I missing something? This seems like bad behavior but maybe there is some type of garbage collection done or somesuch that has not occurred yet...


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