# uname -a
OpenBSD bia.amotken.com 3.5 GENERIC#34 i386

# grep "^From " /tmp/junk |wc -l

# sa-learn --showdots --mbox --spam /tmp/junk
...........Memory fault

# ulimit -a
time(cpu-seconds)    unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
coredump(blocks)     0
data(kbytes)         1048576
stack(kbytes)        32768
lockedmem(kbytes)    unlimited
memory(kbytes)       unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) 128
processes            532

I don't normally have ulimit settings set at unlimited, but did so in trying to debug this problem.

Anyone have suggestions on how to fix this very annoying problem? I've got 5K+ of old junk mail messages to train SA with. Hard to do when it won't complete.

Thanks, Chad

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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