Rick Beebe wrote:
Ronan wrote:

Hey list,
I am in the quite sureal situation of being given a blank cheque by my boss to buy 2 new servers for SA. They were so impressed with the upgrade to v3 + SURIBLS et al that when i said that our current setup was hitting load max they found some cash for me... :D

We are in a university environment with over 100,000 mails daily.

What Im currently looking at is either 2 Sun v150s or 2 dual-opterons probably with a gig each, and the standard 80+gigs.

I'm using a single HP DL380 with four 3Ghz Xeons and 4 gigs of RAM running Linux (Suse 9.0). It easily handles 150,000 messages a day with plenty of room for growth. For redundancy I have the SA setup mirrored on another machine (which is normally doing something else). In case the primary fails I'll simply have the backup machine alias the IP address. At this point I don't need the load balancing of two active machines.

BTW were you able to get your local mirroring of the SURBL zones
working well?

Ok well I hounded or DNS guys to finally put multi.surbls.org into the dns(as a master), watched him HUP named and then....

should i notice a difference??
im still getting 10+ seconds scantime on some messages..
how do i tell if its working?

Im a systems guy so im still waiting on my network co-horts to get back to me. They want to see how the load of the bind files works out before they venture into rbldnsd, i dont have an account on our DNS so I'll have to make a case for it to be installed on the DNS otherwise I could just setup a local machine and have the DNS point to it...

I put the SURBL zones right on the SA machine. It's running bind and rbldns. No changes to our DNS servers needed and it's easier for me to make sure updates are happening.

-- Regards

Ronan McGlue
Information Services
Queens University Belfast

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