On 2004-12-02 10:10, Matt Kettler wrote:
> At 05:37 AM 12/2/2004 -0800, Loren Wilton wrote:
> >body  __LW_OBREPLICA /\brepIicas?\b/i
> >body  __LW_REPLICA /\breplicas?\b/i
> Loren..might I suggest using a lower-case I for the OB version? In some 
> sans-serif fonts (ie: Arial) lower case l and upper case I are drawn the 
> same. At first glance I thought you'd made a typo and had entered the same 
> regex twice :)

Or use just one rule:  /\brep[li]icas?\b/i

Glenn Jackman
CF Sysadmin

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