Hi Tim,

The script I sent you dumps the tokens out to a text file because SA
stores them in a Berkeley DB format. If you want to do it in place then
just have a look at the script and edit the appropriate values. If you
get really desperate then the two processes (encoding and decoding) are
essentially just perl functions. Call one and then the other in the same
start function and it will do the whole thing.

With regards to the atime problem that you have, look at this section of

    if ($atime < 1078099200) 
#      print STDERR "\nThrowing away key that is too old:\n
      print STDERR '*';

    # reset atime if it is in the future
    if ($atime > time)
#      print STDERR "\nResetting atime of key in the future:\n
      print STDERR 'o';
      $atime = time;

I had to write the first if statement because after removing future
tokens the DB still wouldn't expire. It was only when I pulled out the
really old tokens as well that it worked. You might need to change these
values in order to be successful.

Just change the values to accept/deny tokens into your new database
based on date. We run an almost identical system to yours and this
worked for us.

You should read through the whole perl script though, because there is
nothing more dangerous than executing someone elses code without
understanding what it is going to do. I know there is nothing bad in the
script, but do you? 

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