Hello Wolfgang,

Monday, December 6, 2004, 7:39:09 AM, you wrote:

LW>> That's because such a rule won't work.  All manner of real mail ends up
LW>> sending things that have a real link address different from the one shown 
LW>> the link.  Often it is a very minor difference, like https vs http, but
LW>> sometimes there are no points of reality at all between them. This shows up
LW>> a lot in stuff generated from databases.

WH> if there is a visible url to a different server than the one in
WH> real url, I would not only want to tag that as possible spam, but
WH> rather have a nice red 20pt headline added to the mail: WARNING -

As the current ninja maintaining the SARE URI rules file (though not
the fraud or spoof files), I gladly invite you to develop such a rule.
If you can offer us a rule that does what you want, and in our testing
does not hit excessively on non-spam, we'll gladly include it in our
SARE rules file, and will support your submission of that rule to the
SA developers.

At this point in time, I can't think of a good (efficient) way to do
this that wouldn't also hit huge numbers of non-spam.

Bob Menschel

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