On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 02:22:07PM +0100, Alex Broens wrote:
> Matthew Newton wrote:
> >
> >I've recently installed SA 3.0.1, and found some junk was
> >getting through with scores too low for my liking, especially before the
> >URLs made it into SURBL. I've put together a few rules to match some
> >of these that you might find interesting.
> >
> >They are:
> >
> >Finally, a string of words (more than 15 here) that all begin with a
> >capital letter, and no punctuation (I'm only testing this one at the
> >moment, hence the low score):
> >
> >body      UOLCC_CAPWORD_TEST /([A-Z][a-z]{3,}\s{1,2}){15,}/s
> >describe  UOLCC_CAPWORD_TEST String of words that all begin with caps 
> >letter
> >score     UOLCC_CAPWORD_TEST 0.1
> >
> >
> >Hope these are of use to someone. If anyone can show me that they are
> >likely to pick up false positives, I'd be most grateful.
> This will likely trigger on several airline ticket confirmation messages 
> which, for some unknown highly scientific reason, are always sent all caps.

Do they send out e-mails with Each Word Starting With A Capital Letter
with no punctuation between 15 words and all words longer than 3

I would expect perhaps everything in capitals, but not the above?



Matthew Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

UNIX Systems Administrator, Network Support Section,
Computer Centre, University of Leicester,
Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

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