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On Dec 10, 2004, at 2:39 PM, Andy Norris wrote:
Sorry to bother again, but I feel we must be getting closer...

This in the logs (/var/log/maillog) now...(!)

Dec 10 13:44:40 tireswing spamc[22597]: connect() to spamd at failed, retrying (1/3): Connection refused
Dec 10 13:44:41 tireswing spamc[22597]: connect() to spamd at failed, retrying (2/3): Connection refused
Dec 10 13:44:42 tireswing spamc[22597]: connect() to spamd at failed, retrying (3/3): Connection refused

Any hints what to look for here? This is getting very frustrating, as the first few messages are scanned by SA, but after a while it starts to either time out or refuse connection, then we're at virtually no spam filtering.

I've had this kind of trouble as well, and I'd love to know where to look to solve the problem. Spamd just goes down (usually, by Murphy's Law, shortly after I've left the office) and therefore no spam is tagged. I restart spamd and everything is fine until it goes down again.

It leaves no trace of the crash in /var/log/maillog (except connection refused lines like those Andy mentions.) I know it's gone down when I start getting spam in my inbox (and it doesn't have a score on it.)

I am using spamd 3.0.1, Perl 5.8.0. The box is a Cobalt Qube 3, so it's an old Cobalt Linux kernel: 2.2.16 on an AMD K6.

I'm calling spamc from Procmail, and I am using both locking and a size filter to moderate the load on spamd. Here's the call:

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
* < 256000
| /usr/local/bin/spamc

Sometimes it will stay up for a week at a time; sometimes it fails three times in a day. Adding the lockfile kept it up for a week, but it was crashing daily before that. I'd love to know what else I can try (short of a whole new system) to get spamd/spamc running more reliably for us. Or even what questions I should be asking to figure out the cause of the crashes.


Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


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