Chris Santerre wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: William Stearns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 3:53 PM
To: ML-spamassassin-talk; ml-surbl-discuss
Cc: William Stearns
Subject: MIT Spam conference

Good day, all,
I'll be attending the MIT spam conference this year, Jan 21st, 9-5. Details at . The registration is free, but they suggest an early registration before the conference fills up.
I'd love a chance to meet other people working on spamassassin and surbl. Is anyone else planning on attending?
- Bill

All registered. Unless we get some meltdown here, or my car feezes on the
way like last year, I'll be there! However, being a ninja, you won't see me!
:)  J/K, my goal is to get my eyeball as close to the webcast camera. Just
so when I come home I can DL the movie and say "There is my eyeball!!!!"

Do we get to bring air horns?

haha feeze?


Hey lemme know when your getting close to the camera, i wanna check it out too!


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