Loren Wilton wrote:
for some reason i'm getting SPF failures during the 'make test' phase:

t/spf.......................    Not found: helo_pass =  SPF_HELO_PASS
# Failed test 1 in t/SATest.pm at line 530
        Not found: pass =  SPF_PASS
# Failed test 2 in t/SATest.pm at line 530 fail #2
t/spf.......................FAILED tests 1-2

        Failed 2/2 tests, 0.00% okay

I didn't find any information on bugzilla regarding this.

There were some comments on the dev list just last night or earlier today
about this problem, or one very much like it.  I didn't quite follow where
the comments led, since I'm not very interested in SPF myself.  But I think
this is something the devs have seen.



thanks for the response. So, it's probably best if i just wait to upgrade to 3.0.2 until something about this is resolved? I didn't see anything on bugzilla about it.

obviously I could force install, but i really prefer not doing that if I can avoid it.


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