From: "Joe Zitnik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I know I saw this in a previous thread, but for the life of me I can not
> find it.  I saw some postings where people were reporting that SA was
> only processing every other e-mail, or not processing all e-mail.  Was
> this the correct list, and if so, can someone point me to the problem
> and solution, AND most importantly: Happy Holidays to all on the list.

If your SpamAssassin daemon runs with the "--max-conn-per-child=N" flag
edit it so that it does not. That caused me to have email leak through
the system without SpamAssassin doing anything about it.

(Also edit your "/etc/init.d/spamassassin" script to place a 5 second or
so sleep between the stop and start for the "restart:" case. That way any
old spamd still processing email will have time to terminate before you
try to run it again. I discovered this can be a race condition with the
new spamd trying to use the still in use socket.)


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