>-----Original Message-----
>From: ChupaCabra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>First he wanted that.  I did it but actually kept em all.  So then his 
>partner didn't get an urgent email so it was turned back to 
>the users to 
>decide.  I get a different kneejerk each week.  What fun 
>dealing with an 
>80 yo ex military man.  This am it was "Lets spambomb every isp that 
>sends spam  and maybe *they*  will do something about it.  And 
>screw the 
>rest of the world too.  America owns the internet.  Fsck Em, 
>they would 
>all die without the american economy, etc....."

Boy you guys are all missing it. He needs to put it in terms his boss

Tell him it is like hearing shots fired and putting surpressive fire on the
area without determining WHO is actually firing! 

He's looking at an internet courtmartial, for failing to act calm under

--4 Star Major of antispam, Chris

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