>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas Arend [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:56 AM
>To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
>Subject: Re: {Spam?} spam with (rolex) watches gets trough
>Hash: SHA1
>Am Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2004 12:42 schrieb Martin Hepworth:
>> Thomas
>> what extra rules above the standard SA ones have you got? Any from
>> www.rulesemporium.com ?
>I have only the standard rules from SA 3.0.2
>> also have you got the URI rbl's turned on? This helps quite alot for
>> this sort of spam.
>Thanks, I just checked it with spamassassin and got URI checks.
>A check on /etc/sysconfig/spamd on SuSE 9.1 showed -L option 
>activated - 
>removed it. Now the message gets "fine" scores.

Ninja Loren wrote some way back in Oct! Good lord we are behind! :) 

body            LW_ROLEX                /\broll?ex\b/i
score           LW_ROLEX                1
describe        LW_ROLEX                Mentions Rolex

body            __LW_OBREPLICA  /\brepIicas?\b/i
body            __LW_REPLICA    /\breplicas?\b/i
body            __LW_WATCHES    /\bwatch(?:es)?\b/i

meta            LW_ROLEXWATCH   LW_ROLEX && __LW_WATCHES
score           LW_ROLEXWATCH   1
describe        LW_ROLEXWATCH   Mentions rolex watches

meta            LW_FAKEROLEX    LW_ROLEX && __LW_REPLICA
score           LW_FAKEROLEX    5
describe        LW_FAKEROLEX    Talks about rolex and replicas

body            LW_WANTAROLEX   /Want a (?:\w+ )+Rolex(?: Watch)?\?/i  #
Want a cheap Rolex Watch?
score           LW_WANTAROLEX   5
describe        LW_WANTAROLEX   Asks if you want a rolex watch

meta            LW_ROLEXOBFU    __LW_OBREPLICA && LW_ROLEX
score           LW_ROLEXOBFU    5
describe        LW_ROLEXOBFU    Obfuscating replica rolexes!

Also Ninja in training Matt N, submitted these to the list:
(Mind the word wrap)

header    UOLCC_ROLEX_SUB1   Subject =~ /\brolex\b/i
describe  UOLCC_ROLEX_SUB1   Subject contains the word 'rolex'
score     UOLCC_ROLEX_SUB1   0.5

header    UOLCC_ROLEX_SUB2   Subject =~ /\br.{1,2}o.{1,2}l.{1,2}e.{1,2}x\b/i
describe  UOLCC_ROLEX_SUB2   Subject contains a gappy version of 'rolex'
score     UOLCC_ROLEX_SUB2   1.5

body      UOLCC_ROLEX_BODY1  /\brolex\b/i
describe  UOLCC_ROLEX_BODY1  Body contains the word 'rolex'
score     UOLCC_ROLEX_BODY1  0.5

body      UOLCC_ROLEX_BODY2  /\br.{1,2}o.{1,2}l.{1,2}e.{1,2}x\b/i
describe  UOLCC_ROLEX_BODY2  Body contains a gappy version of 'rolex'
score     UOLCC_ROLEX_BODY2  1.5

describe  UOLCC_WATCH_BODY  Body asks if you want a watch
score     UOLCC_WATCH_BODY  2

None of these have been tested yet. Use at your own risk. Do not operate
while under heavy medication. Lather, rinse, repeat.  Always repeat!


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