
I am running SpamAssassin 3.0.1 and have been having a problem.  When I run 
"sa-learn -D --dump magic" I get the following output.

0.000          0          3          0  non-token data: bayes db version
0.000          0       1084          0  non-token data: nspam
0.000          0       1361          0  non-token data: nham
0.000          0     109079          0  non-token data: ntokens
0.000          0 1078967175          0  non-token data: oldest atime
0.000          0 1103809663          0  non-token data: newest atime
0.000          0 1103809671          0  non-token data: last journal sync atime
0.000          0 1103808704          0  non-token data: last expiry atime
0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last expire atime delta
0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last expire reduction 

Now the problem is that the numbers for nspam, nham, ntokens, and oldest atime 
NEVER change.  What could be the cause for this?  How could I fix this problem?

Thanks in advance,
Ronald Vazquez

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