On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 11:58:23AM -0500, Matt Kettler wrote:


> Disclaimer: I've never used the plugin, but I can casually read the code...

Lucky you ;-)

> wrongmx needs to run on your primary, and will detect that mail first went 
> through one of your secondaries before hitting the primary... If there's 
> only one received: header it bails out immediately, as it can't have been 
> relayed this way yet.

Both my primary and secondaries forward any accepted mail to an internal
mailserver (which cannot run SA), so this particular plugin will never
do any useful things to mails in my case. I understand.

> If you're running SA on your secondaries, you could just save yourself the 
> effort and add +1.0 to every email.

Hm, nice idea ;-)

Thank you,
tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis

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