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On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 06:13:16PM -0500, Sunny Forro wrote:
> Michael,
>       I am running it as root. I get the error every time I run
> SA-LEARN -D --SYNC, I don't get bayes checking with spamassassin. I
> haven't been running it with a bayes_path option, my old SpamAssassin
> used /root/.spamassassin as the db path. This is a sitewide setup, it's
> used to filter emails coming in for some charitable organizations hosted
> on this box. I effectively get the same exact output every time I run
> sa-learn -d --sync with the exception of the number of tokens it ties to
> the db file. It still says upgrading database from version 2 to version
> 3 every time.

Very odd.  It is possible that there is some sort of db corruption
that is causing a strange failure.  Are there any extra files in

Here are a few stabs in the dark that may or may not help.

Try setting bayes_path and bayes_file_mode and running the sync
again.  Read up on sitewide bayes on the wiki.

You could try to do a sa-learn --backup and then a sa-learn --restore
to see if that fixed the problem.

Did you move this db from another machine?  Maybe it is a Berkeley DB
library conflict?  Perhaps a db_dump and db_load (see wiki for info)
would help.  For that matter, you might try a sa-learn --import first
and see if that helps.

Worst case, blow away the database files and start from scratch.


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