same problem here;
as workaround I restart spamd every day

> Take a look for massive AWL or Bayes db files in the filesystem --
> that has been reported to cause it in the past...

of course; 400+ users

-rw-------    1 exim     exim           31 Jan 11 15:38 bayes.lock
-rw-------    1 exim     exim        91704 Jan 11 15:38 bayes_journal
-rw-------    1 exim     exim     10502144 Jan 11 15:37 bayes_seen
-rw-------    1 exim     exim      5451776 Jan 11 15:38 bayes_toks

> Alot of people seem to be noticed this, there is a small memory patch
> floating around the email list archives you could try.

can you resend this patch please ? Thanks

Wolfgang Fuertbauer (E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
EBEWE Pharma
Mondseestrasse 11
4866  Unterach, Austria
Tel: ++43 7665 8123 315
Fax: ++43 7665 8123 11

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