Quoting "Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions"

> > The problem occured again, and I catched the following from
> > spamd output
> >>
> What is the output of netstat?

Since restarting spamd solves the problem without any visible side-effect,
I wrote a watchdog script to monitor spamd, and to restart it if it is
not running. This watchdog script is run once per hour, so I cannot get
netstat output of the time spamd did not start correctly.

I will add a 'netstat' command to my 'spamassassin' init script, before
the spamd command, in order to see what listens to port 783 at that time.

My problem is that this "Address already in use" behaviour is not easily
reproductible : when I manually stop/start spamd, I dont get any problem.
This problem only happens around once in a week, during some (not all)
daily stop/start.

I will post the output of netstat when available.

I will probably try to upgrade to 3.0.2 too, as Damien Kemens says, in
order to see if it helps.

Thanks for your answers.

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