On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 12:43:34PM +0000, Anthony Metcalf wrote:
> As the server my mail client interacts with is not the one spam
> filtering, I would like to set up two accounts on the gateway box, ham
> and spam, so I can farward mail to those accounts, and have spamassassin
> learn what is ham and spam from them.
> How do I go about this?
> System Steup:
> Internet<-->gateway(linux,postfix, amavisd, clamav, f-prot,
> spamassassin)<-->internal server(winodows, exchange)

I have SA running on three servers that forms an email gateway.  I
don't scan outgoing mail for spam.  I have requested users to send
spam that got through to me by attaching the spam to the email.  

Those messages are saved in the "spam" folder and a cron job unpacks
them into seperate messages in a maildir folder named "nuwespam".  The
same program unpacks the attached "hams" from "xham" to "ham".  When I
come across individual spams I save them in the "nuwespam" folder

The program unpacking the attachements will only handle attachments of
the RFC822 standard and ignore the rest.  I have written it in Ocaml.
Unfortunately it was developed for this spesific situation and not
really suitable for distribution.  If I have time and there is a need
for it, I might try and adapt it to be more generic and more useful
for other users as well.

The three servers then collect the "nuwespam" and  "ham" folders on a
daily basis and feed them to sa-learn.

>From time to time I select ham message from emails I receive to save
to the "ham" folder because the feedback I get from users are normally
more spam than ham.

Johann Spies          Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

     "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed 
      lest he fall."            I Corinthians 10:12 

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