I've recently started to receive emails with everything below "(qmail 14692 invoked from network); 15 Jan 2005 20:22:01 -0000" cut off, it is simply non existant. When I try it without delivering to spamassassin via the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue (it's debian). it works, but then i've got no spam detection.

The log says simply: "Out of memory!" which I know for at fact is not true, the memory has never been more than 75% full (256MB), could it be that spamassassin is looping?

I'm using Qmail with tcpserver > spamassassin > courier-imap

Qmail logs says that the mail is delivered without any problems to the maildir, but the size is always 72-73 bytes.

I searched the mailling list archives, but apparently this never happened to anyone before, or i'm searchin for the wrong thing :-)

best regards
Mads Andersen, DK

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